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AI Quick Tips 133: Beginner prompt framework - A.P.E.

AI Quick Tips

This framework is great for beginners because it is short, easy to remember, and is still powerful and versatile.

You can use this with AI tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, Perplexity, Claude, etc.

The framework is APE.  It stands for Action, Purpose, Expectation. 

Here is the breakdown -

  • Action- Describe the task or ask a question
  • Purpose - Give context behind why you want this action to be done
  • Expectation - What outcome do you want?

Here is an example of APE

I would like to know how I can use AI tools like ChatGPT for my nonprofit.

People keep telling me how much time I can save but I am not familiar with the tools or what they can do

Give me a list of 15 things that I can do with these AI tools
