Thoughts Brewing Blog

AI Quick Tips 43: An alternative to doom scrolling

Written by Damien Griffin | Jul 26, 2024 5:37:00 PM

You know what it is.  When you pick up your phone to do something and, somehow, you end up on your social media app of choice and start the scroll.  The DOOM SCROLL.  4 hours later you are still scrolling and don’t know where the time went.  (Ok maybe not 4 hours… but sometimes 4 hours)

Since you probably have a daily goal of learning something new, use your AI tool of choice to help you with that instead of doom scrolling when you first pick up your phone.

A simple prompt can make this happen - 

Please teach me something

That’s all it takes… sometimes.  This is AI that we’re talking about so sometimes it isn’t something that you want to learn or it’s the same thing from yesterday.

If you don’t like the output you can use this equally simple follow up prompt -

Please teach me something else

You can also ask for something specific to focus on or avoid -

Please teach me about {topic}


Please teach me about something besides {topic}

There are a lot of other directions that you could go with this but I’ve found that this works pretty well.  

Worst case you don’t learn anything new but at least you spent slightly less time DOOM SCROLLING…