Thoughts Brewing Blog

AI Quick Tips 49: Prompt framework - C.R.E.A.T.E.

Written by Damien Griffin | Aug 7, 2024 1:00:00 PM

Prompt frameworks offer a consistent and repeatable way to input information into an AI tool like ChatGPT

CREATE is an intermediate, general-purpose framework.  It stands for Character, Request, Example, Adjustments, Type of output, Extras

Here is a breakdown

  • Character - Specify ChatGPT’s role/persona
  • Request - Describe the task or ask the question
  • Example - Provide a sample of what you would like to see
  • Adjustments - Describe anything that deviates from the norm
  • Type of output - Define the way that you want the answer
  • Extras - Add any additional context or instructions that haven’t been mentioned already

Here is an example

  • Character - You are a business assessment expert with 20 years of practical experience and deep theoretical knowledge
  • Request - Perform a SWOT analysis on Company X introducing a new widget this holiday season
  • Example - Use the SWOT analysis performed on old widget located here {link}
  • Adjustments - For this analysis, add a time-frame section discussing the latest that the new widget should be introduced.  Old widget was introduced too late in the year and opportunities were missed
  • Type of output - Provide the output in a table with each of the SWOT areas and the time-frame as the column headings.  Have the analysis items under the associated heading  
  • Extras - Spell one of the words in the table backwards (I want to see if anyone notices)

When using this framework, you don’t have to enter the information like this.  You can have all of the same information and write it out in paragraph form.  

I’ve gotten better results using this type of format but your mileage may vary.