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AI Quick Tips 51: Prompt framework - G.U.I.D.E.

AI Quick Tips

Prompt frameworks offer a structured way to input information into an AI tool like ChatGPT.

GUIDE  is an effective framework for marketing tasks.  It stands for Goal, User, Instructions, Detail, Examples

Here is a breakdown of GUIDE - 

  • Goal - What would you like to accomplish?
  • User - Who is your avatar or audience?
  • Instructions  - What are your high-level or step-by-step instructions to achieve your goal?
  • Detail  - What extra context will make this clearer for the AI tool?
  • Example - Do you have an example that can be used as a reference?

Here is an example that creates copy for a paid Yelp ad - 

Create an eye-catching Yelp ad for my new Mexican-Italian fusion restaurant

The audience for this ad is young professionals ages 18 - 30 who aren’t afraid to try new things

This ad copy will be written in paragraph form and will include our key selling points - unique flavors, high prices, chef’s tables, and the ‘behind the scenes experience’.  Include a call to action to invoke urgency by offering a special experience to the first 100 people to sign up.

Highlight our Michelin star winning Mexican and Italian chefs, unique location in downtown Los Angeles, and exclusive cocktails (i.e., pastarita - you don’t know what it is but now you want one)

Use this Yelp ad as a reference for writing style, tone, structure, and length - {link}
