Thoughts Brewing Blog

AI Quick Tips 68: Create a customer persona

Written by Damien Griffin | Sep 14, 2024 3:52:00 PM

If you’ve gone through the last two posts about segmenting your market, the optional next step is to use the data to create a persona.  

A persona is, well, a personalization of the data that you’ve collected.  If you ever had an imaginary friend as a child, think of a persona like an imaginary friend that has the traits and behaviors of your target audience.  

You give your persona a name, a back-story, and lots of other information.  Then you can use your persona as the target of your marketing campaign.  It sounded kind of weird to me initially but it really works.

You can use an AI tool like ChatGPT to help you create your persona.

Here is a prompt template -

  • You are a marketing expert
  • Create a customer persona for {identify the product, service, idea, etc. that you are marketing for}

  • Use the following sets of information:
    • Demographics: {list of demographic data}
    • Psychographics: {list of psychographic data}
    • Motivations: {list of motivations}
    • Pain points/challenges: {list of pain points}
  • Include the following sections in the persona profile: 
    • Name
    • Back-story
    • Age
    • Gender
    • Education
    • Location
    • Occupation
    • Income
    • Marital status
    • Number of children
    • Social networks used
    • How they get new information
    • Goals
    • Motivations
    • Challenges
    • Ways that my product/service can help them

This prompt will take some time to put together.  The effort is worth it.  

You may also need to make some adjustments to the output to fit your situation.

Once you have a customer persona, you can speak directly to them in your marketing.  If your product/service solves a big enough problem, your marketing will attract customers who are like your persona.  

If you have a successful marketing campaign, you can repeat the segmentation and persona exercises for your other products or services.