Thoughts Brewing Blog

AI Quick Tips 36: Create a bedtime story

Written by Damien Griffin | Jul 18, 2024 3:10:00 PM

I saw this idea online recently and thought that it was an interesting option.  

A lot of the shortcomings of AI tools like ChatGPT become irrelevant.  Incorrect and nonsensical information might actually make the stories better.  You can set the tone.  You can set any parameter that you want (or none at all).

This is a great option to create new stories for your kids each night.  You can even swap between making them the heroes and the villains…

I tried it out and it worked pretty well.

Here is the prompt that I used - 

Create a bedtime story for my child using the parameters listed below 

age of recipient: 10 years old 

style of story: combination of Arrested Development (TV show with Justin Bateman) and Twilight (movie with Kristen Stewart) 

things my child likes: Super Mario Brothers (Nintendo video game franchise) and dinosaurs 

things my child doesn't like: meatballs 

maximum time to read: 5 minutes

While we don’t have children, I think that this would work pretty well if we did.

Here is the story that ChatGPT gave me -

Once upon a time, in the bustling town of Mushroom Kingdom, there lived a young dinosaur named Yoshi. Now, Yoshi wasn't your ordinary dinosaur. He was as green as the hills of Yoshi's Island, and he loved nothing more than gobbling up juicy fruits and playing with his best friend, Mario, the heroic plumber.

One sunny afternoon, Yoshi and Mario were exploring the deep, dark forests near Princess Peach's castle. They were on a quest to find the legendary Super Star, which was said to grant invincibility to anyone who touched it. As they ventured deeper into the woods, they stumbled upon a mysterious cave hidden beneath a towering oak tree.

Inside the cave, they discovered an ancient artifact - a glowing crystal shaped like a star. Excitedly, Yoshi reached out to touch it, but before he could, a shadowy figure emerged from the shadows. It was Count Koopa, the mischievous turtle vampire who had been lurking in the shadows, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Count Koopa hissed menacingly, "Ah, the Super Star! With its power, I can rule over Mushroom Kingdom forever!"

But Mario, brave as ever, stepped forward with a determined look in his eyes. "Not so fast, Count Koopa! You'll have to get through us first!"

A fierce battle ensued, with Yoshi using his incredible jumping skills to dodge Count Koopa's vampire bats, and Mario throwing fireballs to keep the villain at bay. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Yoshi had a brilliant idea. He grabbed a nearby block and threw it towards Count Koopa, causing it to ricochet off the cave walls and hit the ceiling.

The cave began to shake, and rocks started falling from above. Thinking quickly, Yoshi and Mario grabbed the Super Star and dashed out of the cave just as it collapsed behind them. Count Koopa was trapped inside, his plans foiled once again.

As they emerged into the sunlight, Yoshi and Mario shared a high-five, knowing they had saved Mushroom Kingdom once more. With the Super Star in hand, they returned to Princess Peach's castle, where they were celebrated as heroes.

From that day on, Yoshi and Mario continued to have many more adventures together, exploring new worlds and facing fearsome foes. And whenever they looked up at the stars in the night sky, they remembered the day they defeated Count Koopa and found the legendary Super Star.

And so, dear child, remember that even in the face of darkness, courage and friendship will always prevail. The end.


It put this story together in about 20 seconds.  

Even if you don’t like it, change the parameters and try again.

I think that this is a really good non-work related use of ChatGPT.  

Even if you don’t have kids.  Create a story for yourself.  I won’t tell…