Thoughts Brewing Blog

AI Quick Tips 29: Prompt framework - R.T.F.

Written by Damien Griffin | Jul 10, 2024 3:22:00 PM

Prompt frameworks offer a quick way to feed the information into ChatGPT.

RTF is a short, general-purpose framework.  It stands for Role, Task, Format.

Here is a breakdown

  • Role - Specify ChatGPT’s role/persona
  • Task - Describe the task or ask the question
  • Format - Define the way that you want the answer

Here is an example

  • Role: You are a prolific author who has 30 published books.  Your publisher is demanding that you have another book ready for them within 30 days
  • Task: Generate 20 high-level ideas for book #31.  The genre is dark fantasy.  The book will be 300 - 500 pages long
  • Format: Provide a numbered list of ideas each with the protagonist's name

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