Thoughts Brewing Blog

AI Quick Tips 39: Use it to predict your future

Written by Damien Griffin | Jul 21, 2024 5:45:00 PM

An interesting use for ChatGPT that I came across the other day is to have it predict what your retirement will look like.  I didn’t see any reason why it has to be limited to retirement so I updated the prompt template to apply to any future state.

Here is the template that I came up with -

Help me see what my future could look like 

Ask me up to {number} questions and use the answers to what I’ll be doing at {age} years old. 

Ask me these questions one at a time. The questions can be to gather new information or to clarify existing information if necessary

Then, after I’ve answered all questions one at a time, you will create a {number} paragraph prediction.  Include risk factors that may prevent me from attaining this future.

I would recommend letting it ask at least 20 questions to really get a decent prediction but you can obviously play around with that number.

This is what a filled-out prompt could look like

Help me see what my future could look like 

Ask me up to 20 questions and use the answers to what I’ll be doing at 65 years old. 

Ask me these questions one at a time. The questions can be to gather new information or to clarify existing information if necessary

Then, after I’ve answered all questions one at a time, you will create a 5 paragraph prediction.  Include risk factors that may prevent me from attaining this future.

Ironically, the prediction at the end wasn’t very useful when I tried it.  The questions were great, though.  

Giving myself permission and space to think through all of the questions made the exercise worth it.  Your mileage may vary.  Try it out and see