Thoughts Brewing Blog

Content Creation Framework Series - AIDA

Written by Damien Griffin | Feb 28, 2024 6:41:00 PM

The AIDA framework can be used to guide a prospect from not knowing about you (cold lead) through making a purchase (conversion).

“AIDA” is an acronym that represents the four stages:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire
  • Action

The AIDA model is widely used because it is simple, effective, and proven.

Let’s unpack the stages.



At this stage, your prospect does not know that you exist or that you can solve their problem (they might not even know that they have a problem).

Your goal at this stage is to grab their attention with your copy (aka hook them).

Having knowledge of this avatar is important.  Use that knowledge to create something that highlights their problems, pain, or desires.  

You want to use powerful copy to get an emotional response.  Being vague will likely cause them to lose interest (which happens to be the next step…)



Now that you have their attention, you need to find a way to keep it.

Presenting a solution to their problem won’t be enough if they don’t believe that you are the right one to do it.

Demonstrate a deep understanding of your avatar by using the same wording that they would use to describe their problem.



This is where you present your solution and generate desire for them to work with you.

Here are some tips:

  • Make an offer that it is easy to say yes to
  • Talk about benefits more than features
  • Highlight how you are different from the competition
  • Use customer testimonials



Have a clear and concise call to action (CTA).  

Make their next steps simple and walk them through each one.

  • Go to this site
  • Fill out the form
  • Submit the form
  • Pay
  • Etc.

Put a lot of thought and effort into the customer experience. If they have less friction then they will be more likely to go through the process.