Thoughts Brewing Blog

Micro Business for Retirees: 3 Reasons why Customer Service is More Important than You Think

Written by Damien Griffin | Oct 20, 2023 12:00:00 AM

Once you make the sale, you are done, right?  Of course not.  Making the sale is the starting line.

Your brand ultimately comes down to what people think and say about you and your business.  What they think and say are directly affected by how they feel after working with you.

Here are a few (of the many reasons) why you may want to put more into your customer service.


Reason #1

UX is more important that price

Even if they don’t realize it consciously, most users will pay more to have a better user experience (UX).  

They will say things like - “That was more than I wanted to pay, but it was worth it”.  Then they will go back to that business again.

The biggest challenge with this for the business is that the customer will need to buy your product or work with you BEFORE they know what the UX will be,  They won’t believe you if you just tell them that the experience with your business will be better (because everyone else will say the same thing)


Reason #2

The customer IS always right but not how you think 

I’ve worked in some kind of customer service for decades and I’ve often heard “the customer is always right”.  

I used to think that meant that whatever they said or did was okay.

Now I take it to mean that the customer is always right about how THEY perceive things.  Even if they are technically wrong about something, THEY think that they are right.

This can be valuable for the business owner.  For example, they may not be willing to pay whatever you charge because of something that they perceive incorrectly.  If you can pick up on this when talking to them, you have an opportunity to tell them how it actually works, help them make an informed decision, and make a sale.


Reason #3

Great customer service = more referrals 

The best source of new customers is referrals from existing customers.

If one person has the best experience of their life while working with their business, they are likely to tell everyone they know about it.  Some of those people will work with you, have the best experience of their lives and the process repeats.

This will outperform any ad or other source of business.

Good customer service isn’t good enough anymore.  Find a way to be great.