Thoughts Brewing Blog

Quick Tips for Beginners to Improve Their Digital Writing

Written by Damien Griffin | Jan 27, 2024 6:35:00 PM

Clarity over Creativity

Focus more on writing something that your reader understands than trying to be clever.

Write in a way that a 6th grader can follow.

If you can’t explain something simply, you may not understand it well enough yet.


Be Concise

Remove fluff and filler.

Short.  Clear.  Done


Use Writing Prompts

Writing prompts activate your imagination and motivate you to start writing.

Search and you can easily find thousands of them.


Make Writing a Habit

If you want to get better at it, do it more often.  Ideally daily.

Even if you only write a sentence, write something.


Have a Way to Write Down Ideas

Whether you have a notebook or a note-taking app on your smartphone, be ready to capture ideas right after you have them.  

You’ll forget most of them if you don’t.


Create Writing Templates

Sometimes how you structure your writing is half the work.  Do that work ahead of time.


Use Fewer Adverbs

Using strong verbs eliminates the need for most adverbs.


Break the “Rules”

This is your writing after all

(bonus points if you noticed that I used adverbs in this post!)