Thoughts Brewing Blog

Want to Know Why Nobody is Hiring You?

Written by Damien Griffin | Apr 10, 2023 11:21:00 PM

If you wonder why clients will not work with you, or companies will not hire you, then this post is for you.  

On the plus side, there actually aren’t that many different reasons BUT aligning all of them can be challenging.

I don’t necessarily agree with all of these practices but they are what I have experienced being on both sides of the hiring process.

They do not trust your brand

If you represent a business that is looking for clients, then this means that there is something about the business itself:

  • The name
  • The logo
  • The people that work there
  • Etc.

If you are looking for a job, then you still have a “brand”; it is your personal brand.  This includes your:

  • Physical appearance
  • Gender
  • Skill-set
  • Education
  • Etc.


You have not convinced them that you can solve their problem(s)

Unfortunately, your perspective isn’t the one that matters.  Even if you feel like you have answered their questions and addressed their concerns, if they don’t believe that you can solve their problems, then they will look for someone who they think can.


You have asked for compensation that is too much more than the value that they believe you can provide

If you are looking for a job, then expect to provide value that makes the company at least ten times the compensation that you are requesting.

  • For example, if you request a salary of $100,000 per year, be prepared to show them how you will make the company at least $1,000,000 annually.

If you are representing a business, then you either:

  • Have to be in line with what they think your product or service should cost (often based on competitor’s pricing); or 
  • You can align your interests with theirs and make them money, but expect to make them at least five times the compensation you request.


You do not align with their culture

Not much can be done about this one, but it is a thing.  

It is usually easier to find someone who is a culture fit than to change someone to fit the culture.



The basis for not hiring individuals or businesses usually rolls up to one of these reasons:

  • Lack of trust
  • They don’t believe you can solve their problems
  • Not offering enough value to justify the compensation
  • Bad culture fit

Keeping this list in mind when preparing can save you time and increase your chances of being hired.