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AI Quick Tips 44: Create a workout plan

AI Quick Tips

You probably want to exercise more but don’t have time to figure out what to do (ironically).

Use an AI tool like ChatGPT to help you with this.

Here is a template that you can modify as needed -

You are a fitness expert in the areas of resistance training, cardio, and flexibility

Create a workout plan for me to follow each day

I have {amount of time} available each day.

I have the following equipment - {equipment list}

I would like to focus on {focus area(s)}

Additional details: {details}

Here is a filled-out sample - 

You are a fitness expert in the areas of resistance training, cardio, and flexibility

Create a workout plan for me to follow each day

I have one hour available each day.

I have the following equipment - resistance bands, kettlebells

I would like to focus on increasing my cardio capacity and building 5 pounds of muscle

Additional details: I have a 400 square foot space that I can use, I have access to a stationary bike on Thursdays, jumping rope makes me sneeze

Here’s part of the response


It even added a rest day

If the workout doesn’t suit you, send a follow up prompt asking it to try again and mention what you didn’t like.

Even if you choose not to follow the workout written by AI, you can likely get ideas and then put together your own.
