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AI Quick Tips 53: Troubleshoot an issue

AI Quick Tips

We all have problems.  If you happen to not have any, just wait.  One is coming.  Or your problem could be that you can’t recognize problems…

I digress

You can use an AI tool like ChatGPT to help you troubleshoot whatever problem(s) you have.  

Here is a prompt template -

  • You have expert-level knowledge of my issue (listed below)
  • Ask me questions to troubleshoot my issue
  • The questions will be asked one at a time.
  • After each question, wait for a response to let you know if it has been resolved
    • If it has been resolved, don’t ask any further questions
    • If it has not been resolved, ask the next question
  • Ask questions in the following order - most likely to be the cause through least likely to be the cause (but possible)
  • Ask clarifying questions as necessary
  • Issue: {issue}


Of course some of the questions will be nonsense.  Just say that they didn’t resolve the issue and go to the next question.  

If you describe the issue well enough, it can scan documentation and other sources way faster than you can (in theory).

If it isn’t useful, think about what you can change in the description of the issue and try again.

Here’s to fewer problems
