You know that you want to start a business. You know that you (and your team) have in-demand skills. You aren’t quite sure how to put those skills together yet.
You can use an AI tool like ChatGPT to help you generate ideas. Lots of ideas.
Here’s a prompt template -
Help me brainstorm innovative startup ideas
We are a team of {# of team members} with the following skill sets: {list of skills}
We would like to {desired direction of business}
Our target customer is {description of target audience}
Return a bulleted list
Here is a filled out prompt -
Help me brainstorm innovative startup ideas
We are a team of 2 with the following skill sets: business operations, software development, project management
We would like to create one or more digital products
Our target customer is 20 - 35 years old
Return a bulleted list
Here is the answer that I got back from this prompt -
If you like any of the ideas that you get back you can ask a follow up question to go deeper or break away from AI and get to work with your team.
If you don’t like any of the ideas, ask for more. You can get hundreds of ideas in minutes. If nothing else, you can rule out things that you definitely don’t want to do.