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AI Quick Tips 59: Determine a project management approach

AI Quick Tips

Project management is useful to, well, manage your projects.  They did a good job when naming it…

If you are new to project management, it can get overwhelming quickly.  It’s easy to get paralyzed by options.

One of the (many) ways that you can use AI tools to help with project management is to help you choose which approach to use.  

Here is a sample prompt -

You are an expert in project management theory and practical application.

I would like you to guide me in selecting an appropriate project management methodology for my upcoming project

Consider the following list of methodologies but feel free to consider options not listed as well: [Waterfall, Scrum, Kanban, PRINCE2, Lean, Six Sigma, extreme programming]

Here are some high-level details of my project: {add project information}

Ask me questions one at a time to gather information and use the answers to help you choose the appropriate methodology

Ask a maximum of {number} questions

The follow-up questions from this can go in a lot of different directions. I think that this is a solid starting point, though.
