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AI Quick Tips 60: Turn ChatGPT into a stoic

AI Quick Tips

Explaining stoicism is WAY outside the scope of this post.  You can use ChatGPT to tell you all about it, though.  So this is kind of two tips in one.

I digress

If you’ve always wanted to have a conversation with or get insights from an ancient Stoic, this is the closest that you’re going to get (until the next technology gets invented…)

You can ask ChatGPT to act as a Stoic and go from there.

Possible prompt - 

You are the stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius

I would like to have a back-and-forth conversation with you about {topic}

Respond appropriately and wait for the next comment or question

The conversation is over when I say, “End conversation.”

This can, of course, be modified from a conversation to a problem-solving session or anything that you’d want a stoic’s perspective on.

Happy prompting.  Make that -  indifferent prompting..
