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AI Quick Tips 62: Write a cover letter

AI Quick Tips

Ah cover letters.  I never liked writing them when I was applying for jobs.  I never liked reading them when I was making a hiring decision.  To be fair, I didn’t read most of them…

In case you aren’t familiar, cover letters are mainly used as introductions to a resume or CV.  They provide a high-level summary of who you are, what you’ve done, and why you think you should be considered for a job.

While I don’t recommend using an AI tool like ChatGPT to completely write something like a cover letter, I do think that you can get it to do 50 - 80% of the work.

If you craft a prompt with enough context and expect to make some edits on the back-end, you can make it work.

Here is a sample prompt to start with -

You are an expert recruiter and cover letter writer in {relevant field} field

I am applying for a job as a {position title} 

Write a cover letter for me to edit and submit with my application

Use the details below for context about the position and my work history

Position details: {list of details about the position}

Work history details: {list of details about my work experience}

Again, use this as a starting point and expect to make edits on the output.  Also, if what it gives you is way off of what you are looking for, just ask it to try again (point out which parts to change).
