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AI Quick Tips 9: Add examples to your prompts for context and better results

Most of the prompts given to AI tools like ChatGPT are short on information and context.  This leads to the tool making more assumptions and giving worse results than expected.

One of the ways to address this is to add examples of the output that you want to the prompt.  

  • If you want a document formatted in a certain way, point to something in a similar format
  • If you want a certain style of logo, add a logo that you have in that style to the prompt
  • If you want an email based off of a template, add the template and an email that uses it
  • Etc.

 Here is a typical prompt without an example (not recommended)

“Create a logo for a small business that specializes in farm equipment repair”

Here is a better version of that prompt with more context and an example

“Create a logo for a small business that specializes in farm equipment repair.  The business is based in the US midwest and works primarily with dairy farms.

Use the details in this stylesheet: (stylesheet URL)

Here is an example of a similar logo that can be used as a starting point: (other logo’s URL)”
