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AI Quick Tips 13: Adjust the length of the responses

AI Quick Tips

The normal behavior of tools like ChatGPT is to give detailed responses.  Sometimes those responses are too long.  

(Usually, those responses are too long…)

Luckily this is another area where you can tell it what you would like to see.  Keep in mind that it doesn’t always do exactly what you ask it to.

Here are some ways that you can specify the length of the output

  • Number of paragraphs
    • “Summarize the paper at this URL in 3 paragraphs”
  • Number of bullet points
    • “Summarize the text below into 5 numbered bullet points”
  • Number of table rows and columns
    • “Organize the data below into a table with 3 columns named ‘something’, ‘something else’, ‘some 3rd thing’ and 10 rows” 
  • Number of checklist items
    • “Explain how to create a project plan in a 10 step checklist”
  • Number or words
    • “Summarize the theory of relativity in 5 words or less”
    • Note - this is less reliable than other methods
  • Etc.

Most output formats can be limited to a certain length.  

If you don’t get the desired results

  • Send a follow-up message
  • Point out what is incorrect
  • Specify what you would like to see differently
  • Repeat multiple times if necessary
