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AI Quick Tips 40: Create a digital “foodie” friend

AI Quick Tips

You like to eat a wide variety of foods.  You like to drink wine or beer (or both no judgment).  You DON’T know or want to know everything about every single thing so that you can pair things properly.

Luckily, now you don’t have to. You can have an AI tool like ChatGPT scan the menu and make recommendations.

There are a lot of different ways that this can be useful

  • Wine pairing with main courses
  • Picking which 5 beers to try from the 200 that they have 
  • Selecting a wide variety of tastes when everyone is sharing
  • Mixed drink pairing with food (or other mixed drinks)
  • Avoiding allergens
  • Identifying high protein options 
    • Really, any high or low macro combination
  • Translating menus from a different language
    • This menu is in Italian, and I don’t speak Italian
  • Identifying ingredient substitutions that won’t sacrifice taste
  • Etc.

An easy way to do this is to take a picture of the menu and use it as part of your prompt to ChatGPT.  Then, ask whatever question(s) you have and let it do the work.  

It works surprisingly well.  
