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AI Quick Tips 38: Create a digital party planner

AI Quick Tips

Maybe you want to take your party planning and hosting skills to the next level.  Maybe the thought of party planning makes you sad, but you have to do it anyway.  Either way, you can use an AI tool like ChatGPT to figure out what questions to ask, what things to consider, or put all of it together.

This can be for any type of party you can think of

  • Holiday parties
  • Office parties
  • Team-building events
  • Weddings
  • Goat yoga parties
  • Birthday parties
  • Pet-adoption parties
  • Etc.

Here is a prompt template to get you started

You are a professional party planner.  You have been planning small, medium, and large scale parties for 25 years.

I would like to host a {type of party} for {number} people.  I am not a party planner and I do not know how to do this.

Create a plan for me to successfully host this party

Ask me up to {number} questions to gather information that you need to plan this party properly.

[optional] Please ask these questions one at a time

Here is what a filled-out prompt could look like

You are a professional party planner.  You have been planning small, medium, and large scale parties for 25 years.

I would like to host a christmas party for 25 people.  I am not a party planner and I do not know how to do this.

Create a plan for me to successfully host this party

Ask me up to 10 questions to gather information one at a time that you need to plan this party properly

When I did this, the “plan” mostly said the answers that I gave in a different way.  The questions were really valuable, though.  There were also little things that it added that could minimize how many decisions have to be made (like recipe suggestions)

Happy planning
