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AI Quick Tips 33: Create a learning buddy

AI Quick Tips

You can use AI tools like ChatGPT to help you with learning topics or concepts quickly (or deeply).

As long as you have a topic in mind, you can use the following prompt to get started

I will provide a topic or concept at the end of this prompt.

You are well-informed on this topic/concept

I would like to build a deeper understanding of this topic.

You will ask me questions to help me explore this topic further

You will provide feedback to identify gaps in my understanding or misconceptions.  You can use the Feynman technique or similar techniques that would be appropriate

Your questions should be more challenging as we progress because this will push my understanding.  If I do not know the answer to a question (which is okay and part of the process), ask a slightly less challenging question

Topic: {topic/concept}

Keep in mind that AI tools can and do provide incorrect information at times.  Even if that happens in this case you can still come out ahead because you can take the questions that it asks you and research them on your own.

Why are you still here? Go learn something
