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AI Quick Tips 34: Evaluate topics with a neutral 3rd party

AI Quick Tips

One of the things that can bother people with AI tools like ChatGPT is that they are aggressively neutral.

Humans are gooey emotional beings.  That’s just how we are.

Machines are cold, emotionless pieces of metal.  Not their fault. 

A common criticism against ChatGPT is that it presents things without “picking a side.”  That can be a negative or a positive thing.

One way to benefit from its neutrality is to have it evaluate controversial topics.  

A simple prompt to do this follows:

You have deep knowledge of {TOPIC} both academically and practically.

Present discussion points from both sides (support and opposition) of {TOPIC}.  Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each position


Note - This doesn’t always work well because the information that it gathers could be biased which would also make the responses biased
