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AI Quick Tips 11: Give it a writing style

A writing style determines the sentence structure, word choices, and how ideas are expressed.  

There are many options.  Like anything else with ChatGPT, it will guess what you want if there are options and you don’t specify one.

This is another one of those areas where people don’t like the output that they get and think that the tool “just doesn’t work for them.”  In most cases, the prompt was missing enough context.

Traditionally, there are four main writing styles

  • Narrative
  • Descriptive
  • Expository
  • Persuasive

(Going into the details of each is outside the scope of a quick tip…)

Nothing says that you have to be “traditional” which means that there are a LOT more writing styles that you could specify.  For example

  • Poetic
  • Technical
  • Academic
  • Creative
  • Metaphorical
  • Conversational
  • Instructive
  • Narrative
  • Analytical
  • Critical
  • Abstract
  • Humorous
  • Simple
  • Etc.

You could even define your own styles or train the AI tool on your existing style (also outside the scope of a quick tip but letting you know what’s possible)

This is another one that you don’t have to add but if you don’t like something about the output that you get, maybe it’s the writing style.
