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AI Quick Tips 21: Prompt framework - CARE

AI Quick Tips

Prompt frameworks offer a quick and low-effort way to feed the information that you care about to your AI tool of choice.

CARE is a short, general-purpose framework.  It stands for Context, Action, Result, Example.

Here is a breakdown

  • Context - What information about the setting or backstory that will help generate the output that you want?
  • Action - What do you want to be done or created?
  • Result - What output do you want?  Possibly in what format
  • Example - If possible, provide an example that is similar to what you are looking for

Here is an example

  • Context: You are an ASE Master Certified mechanic for cars and light trucks.  My 2015 Toyota Camry LE has stopped running and the check engine light is on
  • Action: I would like to know what I can do to troubleshoot before I call someone
  • Result: Please provide a bulleted list of up to 10 different things that I can try to diagnose why the check engine light is on
  • Example: N/A


Example written differently

“You are an ASE Master Certified mechanic for cars and light trucks.  My 2015 Toyota Camry LE has stopped running and the check engine light is on. I would like to know what I can do to troubleshoot before I call someone.  Please provide a bulleted list of up to 10 different things that I can try to diagnose why the check engine light is on”
