Answering your questions about business and technology
I keep hearing people talk about AGI and I have no idea what it is. Can you help?
~ Dunn
Hi Dunn,
Well, the short answer is that AGI stands for 'Artificial General Intelligence'. I’m guessing that doesn’t help much, though, so I’ll expand.
Most AI tools today, like ChatGPT, Gemini, etc., are considered narrow AI because they can only do a small range of things. AGI is non-existent, for now, and refers to broad-scoped AI tools that will be able to match or exceed human intelligence. They would also be able to make decisions and carry out actions without human input (that part exists now with some AI agents).
Most of the big AI tech companies are racing each other to be the first to bring an AGI tool to market. Some are saying that they already know how to do it or have already done it. That may be true or it may be what they are saying to keep investor money coming in but that’s a different conversation.
Hope that helps

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