Thoughts Brewing Blog

Book Brew 37: Lists are Fun

Written by Danielle Price Griffin | Jul 17, 2024 2:28:00 PM

As I’m sure I have mentioned already, I am always on the lookout for new time management techniques to try out. A few of the ideas I have tried over the past few months have centered around lists. If you know me, then you know I like my lists—especially ones that I can check off and then cross off (yes, I do both!).


The “Done for the Day” List

McKeown introduced a new type of list in Effortless that I found intriguing—he calls it the “Done for the Day” list. He says that it is “A list of everything you would love to get done.” He qualifies it with a question: “Is there some other task that will haunt me all night if I don’t get to it? If yes, then it should go on the list.”


The “Not To Do” List

Another list that I have recently started trying out is the “Not To Do” list. Rather than making a list of things that I need to do, I make a list of the things I must not do—things that I find are time sucks, ones that don’t bring me joy, tasks that don’t move me closer to any of my goals. I was introduced to this concept in a video by Dean Graziosi and Matthew McConaughey, who talked about the importance of having a journaling practice. I believe it was Dean who mentioned he adds a “Not To Do” list on his journal pages to ensure he stays on track. My goal for this quarter is to keep a list of the things I want to see on my “Not To Do” list moving forward and then work to eliminate them. It is an empowering idea, especially when thinking of the implications for how effective it can be in business.


Ponder This

  1. What tasks could go on your “Not To Do” list to help you stay focused and productive? 
  2. How might the “Done for the Day” list change your approach to daily tasks? 
  3. What other unique list ideas can improve productivity in your business? 

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!



  • Effortless - Greg McKeown