Thoughts Brewing Blog

Book Brew 50: The Age of Micro

Written by Danielle Price Griffin | Aug 4, 2024 1:53:00 PM

This may come across as more ranty than I intend, but bear with me (and no, not chainsaw bear, cocaine bear, or even drop bear).


The Rise of Micro

Kind of in line with the last post about us living in a society where quick fixes have become the norm, I feel like we have also come to embrace “micro” everything.

  • Microlearning (this is something I’m a huge fan of, BTW, and I learned about it from Marcus Lemonis).
  • Microdosing
  • Microfinance
  • Microgreens
  • Microservices
  • Micropenises (well, that is a story from my nursing days to be addressed offline, LOL)
  • Microtasking
  • Microinfluencers
  • Microjobs
  • Microadventures
  • Microcredentials
  • Microplastics
  • Etc.


Micro: Fad or Future?

Is “micro” the new fad? Are we so stretched for time that everything needs to be in microdoses? It seems to be a trend that reflects a shift towards more focused, efficient, and personalized approaches across various industries. Yet, are we staying too shallow when focusing on the “micro”? Or, does it allow us to get a little exposure across many things at once so we can then pick and choose the things to dive deeper into?


Ponder This

  1. How can focusing on "micro" aspects benefit your personal or business growth?
  2. Are there areas in your life or business where a micro approach might be more effective than a traditional one?
  3. When might it be better to go deep rather than staying shallow with micro approaches?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!



  • Effortless - Greg McKeown
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen Covey