“Appreciate the art of thoughtful disagreement.” This is one of Ray Dalio’s Principles, and wow, how that landed for me this week.
I typically do not engage in nonsensical discussions on social media. However, someone (a business owner) posted in a local business group a message that I interpreted as being closed-minded. I did not believe she intentionally meant it to be close-minded and thought that providing her with a different perspective may be helpful to her, so I responded in hopes of engaging in what Dalio calls “thoughtful disagreement.”
Well, it quickly devolved into what I perceived as a brick wall of her beliefs that “the entire human species” does things the way she believes they should. I attempted to present her with other ways of viewing her perceived problem a few times, but it went nowhere, so I chose to walk away, wishing her the best with her future endeavors.
However, the discussion led to some insights from others that I found useful - I even learned a thing or two. So, while nothing likely changed for the business owner, I was able to walk away with some lessons learned. The sad thing is that she ended up deleting her message and the entire discussion thread, which is too bad since there were some good discussions on there.
Dalio has such great things to say about this kind of discussion. He suggests asking questions like:
Dalio says, “To me, it's pointless when people get angry with each other when they disagree because most disagreements aren’t threats as much as opportunities for learning.” I take that to heart and do my best to approach situations where I disagree with this concept. It’s by no means easy - it takes a lot of practice - but it opens up a world of new learning possibilities.
My advice to business owners who very publicly put their client grievances on social media platforms: