Thoughts Brewing Blog

Book Brew 15: Navigating Digital Noise and the Fax Effect

Written by Danielle Price Griffin | May 3, 2024 4:06:00 PM

I finished The Tipping Point today. In the end, Gladwell talks about the “fax effect” and how it has spilled over into much of our digital world today with email, commercials, magazine ads, social media ads, etc. There is power in a large network, but if everyone sees what is transmitted over that network as invaluable, is there really any power left in it?


The Challenge of Digital Noise

These are things that I have noticed for myself as the years have gone by and the increase in the online presence has taken over much of the day-to-day life for everyone. We are all so oversaturated with information, how can we get any of our information to stick or stand out? I realize this is what every marketer, business, and influencer is striving to do daily—and honestly, all contributing to the digital noise that is our world now.


Balancing Marketing and Noise Pollution

Damien and I talk about this on a fairly regular basis about how this marketing tactic makes sense or that marketing tactic makes sense, but then we both end up back to “well, do we really want to be contributing to the digital noise pollution of the world?” 

This is a big part of why we choose not to post randomly on social media for the business. We don’t want to put information out there just for the sake of putting it out there—we want whatever we put out into the digital world to not contribute to the digital noise pollution. 

And I guess that the determination on whether what we post is digital noise pollution or not will be in the eye of the beholder—each person’s reality is subjective to their perspective—what is digital noise pollution to one may be the best thing ever to another.


Ponder This

  1. How do you navigate the digital noise in your personal or professional life? 
  2. What strategies do you use to ensure your content stands out without contributing to the oversaturation of information? 

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!


  • Thinking Fast and Slow
  • Influence
  • The Tipping Point
  • Mindset