Thoughts Brewing Blog

Book Brew 32: The Power of Full Attention

Written by Danielle Price Griffin | Jul 12, 2024 3:36:00 PM

What is more powerful than giving someone the full power of your attention?

According to many books and articles about presence and being present, there isn’t much more powerful than that. In Effortless, McKeown says, “When we are fully present with people, it has an impact. Not just in that moment, either. The experience of feeling like the most important person in the world, even for the briefest of moments, can stay with us for a disproportionate time after the moment has passed.”


Modern Distractions

How often are you in a business meeting, and everyone (likely including yourself) is distracted by their smartwatch or cell phone? Or driving around and seeing people walking, their faces plastered to their phones? Even more scary is that people do the same while driving. These distractions are part of our everyday lives, and we have given them the power of our attention, leaving little space to give that power to the people we are with.


Practicing Presence

I practice regularly to be as present as possible when interacting with another person. If I’m on a video call, all other browsers are closed, and my phone is turned off. If I’m on a phone call, I step away from the computer and walk around to give my full attention. In-person, my phone is off or away, notifications are turned off on my smartwatch, and my full attention is on the person. Even when working alone, I minimize distractions by turning off notifications and focusing on one task at a time.


Combating Mental Fatigue

As a human, I am fallible, and there are times when I slip and drift away to distractions. I find that I am mentally fatigued in some way, typically because I have allowed too many distractions to take up space throughout the day. One way to combat this mental fatigue is to minimize distractions (you don’t need immediate notifications of everything). Another way is to take breaks throughout the day to rest your brain, even if just for five minutes.


The Greatest Gift

A quote from McKeown that really hit for me was, “The greatest gift we can offer to others is not our skill or our money or our effort. It is simply us.” Use the power of your attention wisely, for it is a wonderful gift. Don’t throw it away on senseless Instagram and text notifications. Your business and your clients will thank you.


Ponder This

  1. How can you improve your presence in interactions with others? 
  2. What steps can you take to minimize distractions and give your full attention to those around you? 
  3. How might your business and personal relationships benefit from being more present? 

Share your experiences and insights in the comments below!



  • Effortless - Greg McKeown