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AI Quick Tips 56: Turn academic papers into audio discussions

AI Quick Tips

AI tools are progressing quickly.  A good example of what’s coming is Google’s Illuminate.  Its focus is turning academic papers into AI-generated audio discussions.

Imagine taking a 500-page report and transforming it into a podcast-style conversation between two “people.”  In this case it is AI-generated voices that discuss the key points in a conversation.  

Right now, it is optimized for computer science academic papers, but the potential applications go way beyond.

As with other AI tools, there is the potential for it to have errors and inconsistencies.

It’s still pretty fascinating.

You can check it out here - https://illuminate.withgoogle.com/home

There are multiple publicly available samples that include the original papers and the AI-generated conversations.

There is also a waitlist that people can join, and if chosen, they can generate their own content.
