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AI Quick Tips 66: Segment your market, part I

AI Quick Tips

I define marketing as getting people to care about what you are doing.  This is intentionally broad and can include products, services, ideas, causes, etc.  Really anything that can be sold.

For this post, I will focus on one part of marketing - segmentation.  Market segmentation is about looking at all of the people who might be interested in what you are doing and dividing them into groups based on shared characteristics.  Then, you can develop targeted marketing campaigns for each group.

A common way to segment a market is by using demographic data.  This identifies personal attributes such as age, gender, and occupation.

You can use AI tools like ChatGPT to create a checklist to use when segmenting your market.

Here is a sample prompt -

You are a marketing expert

Create a checklist to identify demographic data that will be used for market segmentation

Here is the response that I got - 

The last paragraph of that output is a better closing statement than I would have made so I’ll just walk away here.
