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Content Creation Framework Series - The 4P Approach

The 4P Approach is a decades-old copywriting framework that can easily be applied to audio and video content.

The 4 P's are:

  • Promise
  • Picture
  • Proof
  • Push 

Let’s briefly go through them.

*Note - When I reference a “reader” in the following sections, you can replace it with “listener” or “watcher.”



Make a promise to the reader that gets their attention.

Tell them what will be in it for them if they stay.

It is most effective in the title because if they decide to leave after reading your title, they won’t ever get to your promise.

Keep in mind that you will have to deliver on whatever you promise.  If you don’t then you will lose trust with your audience.  



Use language that appeals to people’s emotions and allows them to visualize your content.

I’ll separate your two goals out from that sentence:

  1. Get the reader to engage with your content on an emotional level
  2. Get the reader to visualize your content

Paint a picture for them, sell the vacation, etc.  Talk about the benefits or end state.  This is not the place for features.

People will be more likely to stay if they are engaged on an emotional level BEFORE you talk about facts, figures, and features.



This is where you present those facts, figures, and features.  

Back up the initial promise that you made and the picture that you painted.  

At this point the reader is interested but they are thinking about the risks, what they might lose, or why it won’t work for them.  

Your job is to anticipate the concerns and present information to remove them.  

How you do this depends on the type of content, but here are some options:

  • Customer testimonials
  • Product demonstrations
  • Case studies

Appeal to the logical side of their brain.



I’m not crazy about the name of this section but I get past it once I know what the goal actually is.

This is your call to action.

You’ve made a promise.  You’ve gotten the reader emotionally attached.  You’ve explained it logically.  You’ve delivered on your promise.

All that is left is your “ask.”

This can be 

  • Purchasing something
  • Reading something 
  • Referring others
  • Etc.

The secret is to make what you are offering them more valuable TO THEM than what you are asking them to give you.

More Info


Enhance your marketing with the AIDA content creation framework. Capture attention and drive action.
