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Micro Business for Retirees:  10 Time Management Tips

Having a business can seem like a never-ending cycle of too many things to do.

This post will suggest 10 tips to help you manage your time and get some of it back.  

Let’s get right to it because, as they say, time is money.

Tip #1 - Remove tasks from your list 


Tip #2 - Create and use a time management matrix 


Tip #3 - Stop multitasking.  It isn’t a thing 


Tip #4 - Try the Pomodoro Technique


Tip #5 - Remove physical and digital distractions


Tip #6 - Schedule your unproductive time


Tip #7 - Get time/task management software


Tip #8 - Use a calendar


Tip #9 - Increase your skill set


Tip # 10 - Set a time limit for every task

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More Micro Business Info for Retirees

Explore essential tips and debunk myths about running a micro-business for retirees. Enhance your time management, customer service, and marketing strategies to convert more leads..
