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Book Brew 54: Word Treasures Part IV

Book Brew

And, last but not least, the final installment of this series.  I will likely have more to share in the future, but for now, this is it.

While creating these posts, I had visions of treasure hunts in my head, and all I could keep thinking about was a quote from one of my favorite movies - "HEYYYY YOU GUYSSS!!!".  Not really relevant here, but thought I would share in case there are any other Goonies fans out there. 

Find ways to keep track of your word treasures - it is interesting to look back on every now and again.

Today’s Word Gems

  • Ersatz (adjective) - being a visually artificial and inferior substitute or imitation
    • Influence, pg 233 - “To defend ourselves against misleading appeals containing ersatz authentics, we should always ask, ‘Is this authority truly an expert?’”
  • Opprobrium (noun) - harsh criticism or censure
    • Thinking Fast & Slow, pg 306 - “Our overarching question was whether the opprobrium attached to unfairness imposes constraints on profit-seeking.”
  • Mete (verb) - dispense or allot justice, a punishment or harsh treatment
    • Mindset, pg 124 - “When bosses mete out humiliation, a change comes over the place.”
  • Profligate (adjective) - recklessly extravagant or wasteful in the use of resources.
    • Thinking Fast & Slow, pg 416 - “System 1 is not constrained by capacity limits and is profligate in its computations.”


Ponder This

  1. How can you ensure that using a richer vocabulary enhances, rather than hinders, clear communication in your professional life?
  2. In what ways can regularly expanding your vocabulary contribute to your personal and professional development?

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!



  • Thinking Fast & Slow - Daniel Kahneman
  • Influence - Robert Cialdini
  • Mindset - Carol Dweck
