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Book Brew 63: Quote Vault Part II

Book Brew

As we continue this Quote Vault series, we explore the theme of challenges and growth. 

The quotes in this part highlight how adversity and uncertainty are not just obstacles but opportunities for personal development. 

Embracing the trials we face with a positive mindset can lead to profound growth and a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Challenges and Growth

  • “Without challenge, life had no meaning.”
    Richard Kool, Flow, page 80

  • “Pain and pleasure occur in our consciousness and exist only there.”
    Flow, page 19

  • “You have to be 100% positive to have a 50% chance.”
    Eugene Remm

  • “The extra mile is never crowded.”

  • “Certainty is a closing of the mind. To create something new you must have doubt.”
    Milton Glaser


Ponder This

  1. How can you reframe a current challenge as an opportunity for growth?
  2. What does "going the extra mile" look like in your life, and how can you make it a habit?
  3. How does embracing doubt fuel your creativity and innovation?



  • Flow - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
