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Book Brew 16: The Influence of Consumption on Our Minds

Book Brew

We are what we consume. We are a construct of the five people closest to us. This seems to be a thread that keeps coming up repeatedly in the books I am reading, the pieces of training I am watching, and the social media I have been consuming.


Controlling Mental Consumption

While I don’t fully buy into this concept for food, as I believe that there is a lot of misinformation out there regarding what defines a “healthy diet”, I do completely buy into this concept for the items we feed to our brain—what we watch, what we listen to, what we read, what we think, what we feel—it all shapes who we are, what we do, what we believe. 

This is a big part of why I made the choice at the end of March to fully eliminate my personal social media and to stop consuming the news. With those changes, I also decided to follow more of the minds of those I want to learn from so that when I do use social media for the business, I am surrounded by the things I will use to grow and learn from—not just mindless nonsense. 

Steve Sims said, “Be in control of your consumption,” which is exactly what I plan to continue doing. 

Or, as Tony Robbins said, “Stand guard at the door of your mind.” 

Both have the same equally powerful message. All essentially boil down to “garbage in, garbage out”—and since I don’t want garbage on either end, I will ensure that what goes in is quality.


The Power of Example

One of the profound things I heard today was from Tai Lopez, who said something along the lines of “no one can teach—only people can learn.” 

His point is that you can’t force your teachings on anyone, but you can lead by example and show them the way so they can choose to learn and emulate you. Maybe this is what these writings will turn into? Who knows.


Ponder This

  1. How do you manage the information you consume daily? 
  2. Have you made changes to control the quality of your mental inputs? 
  3. What impact has this had on your personal or professional life? 

Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below!



  • Thinking Fast and Slow
  • Influence
  • Mindset
  • Blink
