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How to Increase Your Reach on LinkedIn

I’ve recently watched several interviews with Justin Welsh.

Here are some of his tips on how to grow your LinkedIn audience.

Consistently comment on popular profiles

  • Find popular people in a space that you care about
  • Message them directly and find out when they post
  • Be the first to comment on their posts
  • Show up under big accounts


Follow a structured framework for your posts

  • First line is the “scroll stopper”
    • Write something that will be interesting enough to your avatar that they stop scrolling and read the next line
  • Second line is the “validator”
    • This validates the first line
    • Again, this must be interesting enough to the reader to make them keep reading
  • Third line is the “hook”
    • Keep the momentum 
    • Make them want to click to read the rest of your post
    • Don’t promise something that you don’t deliver later (loses trust)
  • Add a TL:DR or recap
    • Some people will only read this
    • A well written recap could still get people interested enough to follow you
  • End with a “call to conversation”
    • Usually a question to the audience
    • Can be anything that encourages conversations in the comments


Use a content matrix

  • Create a spreadsheet
  • List topics that you like to create content about in the first column
  • List writing structures/styles as the other column headings
    • I.e. observation, motivational, actionable, listicle, contrarian, etc.
  • Match random topics and styles
  • Create titles/headings
  • Create content
    • Use templates if you have them (make them if you don’t…and then use them)
