Book Brew 72: The Nature of Choices
Choices. There appear to be many kinds of choices - Good choices. Bad choices. No choices. But are there really different kinds?
Choices. There appear to be many kinds of choices - Good choices. Bad choices. No choices. But are there really different kinds?
I know I am not alone in thinking that our world is now full of constant distractions, mostly digital (even as I am sitting here there is the distraction of the email notification indicator, a Roomba doing its thing, and the noise of a TV in the distance).
As this theme is about simplicity and practicality, I will leave it to speak for itself.
Dive into the Quote Vault with me to swim in these words of wisdom and perspective.
I love listening to audiobooks while I’m driving. It is something I have been doing for decades—yep, I started listening to audiobooks when they were on CD—and since I use that time in the car to learn new things, I have been able to consume hundreds of books over the...
If you have read through some of my other Book Brew posts you know that focus and productivity are high on my list of things I find interesting, so it is no surprise that I selected these quotes for this Quote Vault installment.
Do we ever really listen anymore? Truly, deeply, connected listening? Not listening while doomscrolling, not while the TV is on or music is playing, not while multitasking, but being totally and fully present for the person you are communicating with? We seem to have lost...
Continuing deeper into the vault, I look through the themes of happiness and purpose.
I feel a bit behind the times with this, but the information is still valuable to me, even if it is decades old. I recently read about Covey’s concept of a Time Management Matrix, in which tasks/goals are placed into four quadrants based on importance and urgency (see...
As we continue this Quote Vault series, we explore the theme of challenges and growth.
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Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis