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Damien Griffin

Damien Griffin

Thoughts Brewing Blog

AI Quick Tips 1: ChatGPT prompt writing basics

A lot of people will try an AI tool like ChatGPT a few times, not like the results that they get, and never use the tool again.  Don’t be one of those people.

While the tools are designed to be used by “non-techie” people, there is still a learning curve and you won’t get...

Checklist: GROW Coaching Model

Effective coaches don’t have all the answers or solve their clients’ problems.  They ask the right questions to empower their clients to find the solutions themselves.

The GROW coaching model is a framework for those types of questions.

“GROW” represents the sections -...

Determine KPIs for Your Organization in 6 Steps

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) allow you to track your progress towards your goals.

For businesses this means aligning metrics with your organizational strategy. This information can be used to determine if time, energy, and money are being spent on the right things....

A 4-Step Process to Help Manage Your Time

It’s common to feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done.

You have an endless task list and hope that you can cross off more things than you add. 

It may help to think about whether you are trying to be efficient or effective. Here is a quick...


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