Book Brew 58: Beginning At The End
The idea seems paradoxical to start at the end, but it is a recommendation I keep seeing over and over again—so it's kinda hard not to listen to it.
The idea seems paradoxical to start at the end, but it is a recommendation I keep seeing over and over again—so it's kinda hard not to listen to it.
I like to play games. Games were a huge part of my childhood—whether they were board games (Clue was one of my favorites!) or card games (huge Canasta fan), in our house, we played a lot of games. Gonna date myself a bit here, but once computer games became a thing, I...
“We didn’t measure!! We didn’t measure!!” - Cleveland Brown, Jr.
“You want me to do TWO things!?!” - Bender
The proverb “measure twice, cut once” is very well known since it has been around for centuries. (Funny story here: I just learned the difference between an adage...
We have the power to be completely free within ourselves, regardless of our external circumstances. It isn’t an easy power to wield, but once mastered, it is everything.
And, last but not least, the final installment of this series. I will likely have more to share in the future, but for now, this is it.
While creating these posts, I had visions of treasure hunts in my head, and all I could keep thinking about was a quote from one of my...
Continuing on with the word treasure hunt in this four-part series. This round has some good words!
Continuing on with the word treasure hunt from the last post.
One thing I will note here is that as much as I have liked all of his books, Cal Newport uses a lot of high-level words, which goes against recommendations to keep your writings simple and at a low-grade reading...
So I’m going to share a bit of my nerdy side in this next series of posts. I developed a habit in my senior year in high school from an ongoing assignment my English teacher gave us for the year.
This may come across as more ranty than I intend, but bear with me (and no, not chainsaw bear, cocaine bear, or even drop bear).
“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is a pattern I have come across through every job I have had and every other aspect of life. I read about it in Effortless - “solve the problem before it happens.” I read about it this morning in The 7 Habits of...
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