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Thoughts Brewing Blog

Book Brew
Book Brew

Book Brew 51: Word Treasures Part I

So I’m going to share a bit of my nerdy side in this next series of posts.  I developed a habit in my senior year in high school from an ongoing assignment my English teacher gave us for the year.  

Book Brew
Book Brew

Book Brew 49: Prevention Over Cure

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” This is a pattern I have come across through every job I have had and every other aspect of life. I read about it in Effortless - “solve the problem before it happens.” I read about it this morning in The 7 Habits of...

Book Brew
Book Brew

Book Brew 48: Leverage the Wisdom of Others

We know the adage “don’t reinvent the wheel,” but do we use that leverage of building on the knowledge of others to our best advantage? I think sometimes we try to be clever and unique (see the last post about keeping things simple) rather than trying to build upon what...

Book Brew
Book Brew

Book Brew 47: Keep It Simple

K.I.S.S - Keep It Simple StupidSesame Street SimpleLess is MoreClarity over Cleverness

The Power of Simplicity

There are so many effective ways to say to keep something simple, clear, concise. A new one for me was the “Sesame Street Simple” made popular by the Procter &...


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